I have yet to figure out what is so smart about smart water; it doesn't make me any smarter! Oh well, I love the bottle it's so tall and has a picture of a fish on the inside :D
Three names I go by:
1. Christina
2. Tina
3. Teasley
Three places I have lived
2.Memphis, TN
3.Kansas City, MO
Three favorite drinks:
1. Diet Cranberry Sierra Mist
2.Coke Zero
3. Diet Cherry Limeaid
Three TV shows I watch:
1. Glee
2. Scrubs
3. The Office
Three places I have most recently been:
1. Blockbuster
2. Clay Platte Family Medicine
3.Concorde Career College
Three places I am looking forward to going:
1. Bed
2. Church
3. Work
Three people I text msg regularly:
1. Lauren
2. MaryAnn
3. Kara
Three of my favorite foods:
1. Spaghetti
2. Salad
3. Kraft Macaroni and Cheese
Three things always by my side:
1. Cell Phone
2. Calendar
3. Pen
I bid you all goodnight!
'til next time
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