Well apparently our momma goats decided the winter would be the best time to have their kids....and we're keeping them in our garage so the moms can be milked. My dad has been making wonderful cheese with all the milk we're getting; it's so yummy :) 

Here is a pic of some of the kids. We had one born recently but (s)he wouldn't cooperate for a picture. 

Here is yesterdays phone was acting up and wouldn't let me send the pic to my email. 

Yes, you can now rent your friend. They run anywhere from $10-$150 a HOUR.....because goodness knows it's too much work to go out and make real friends....So what are the reasons they're giving for needing to rent a friend? Well let's say you move to a city and don't know anyone but you want to go out to lunch; here's an someone to go to lunch with you! Or you want to go see a new movie but nobody is free to go with you; pay someone to go with you! What is this world coming to....kind of creepy if you ask me....Well that's all for today! 

Until next time...


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